Resources for Students
There are books and books written on each topic, why am I introducing one more resource? It can take days-weeks-months reading everything out there, so my suggestion is to have a roadmap before starting it. I propose to answer specific questions, which would cover the topic in enough depth to start working in the lab.
Besides listing questions I suggest resources, which I found useful. Sometimes questions are based on my experimental experience and there is no clear reference to cite, in that case I post answer in a drop-down section.
Experiments in atomic physics lab combine different aspect of experimental equipment: optics, laser, electronics, and vacuum. Together with that you need to understand atomic physics: atomic cooling, spectroscopy and so on. Let’s get to it!
Study Optical Elements
What do you need to know working in an optical lab? I want to share tricks and techniques you need to know to align an experimental setup!
Study Atomic Cooling
To prepare Bose-Einstein condensate you need many things to work together. To debug the complicated system you will need to understand each cooling technique involved. Ask yourselves next questions to see if you know enough!
Study Advanced Optical Elements
Typically an experimental setup needs at least one fancy optical component, which makes a setup special. Here I try to cover all components I worked with, making sure that a student understands basic idea behind and possible applications.
Study Atomic Spectroscopy
Basics of atomic spectrum, just enough to understand the background to build your first spectroscopy setup and to resolve natural linewidth!
Study quantum basics
This is a list of topics which are unsorted at this point, but which give a basis to start your research in quantum domain. This is a way to help me organize thoughts on topics, saying what I know and what I am willing to understand
Study Spin-Orbit Coupling
Atoms are very sensitive to applied magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can shift degeneracies or cause decoherences.
Text Books
I recommend the textbooks below, and I have added direct links to the University of Alberta’s library catalog.
Bachor H-A, Ralph TC. A Guide to Experiments in Quantum Optics. Third edition. Wiley-VCH; 2019. Accessed November 6, 2023.
Nagourney WG. Quantum Electronics for Atomic Physics and Telecommunication. Second edition. Oxford University Press; 2014. Accessed November 6, 2023.