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colorful abstract illustration specific to study spin-orbit coupling

Study Spin-Orbit Coupling

  • Atoms are very sensitive to applied magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can shift degeneracies or cause decoherences.
  • Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024
  • Published: Mar 15, 2023
  • Tags:

Table of Contents


These ones are for a more general audience, focussing more on the concepts. I think these are a good starting point.

This one is a more detailed version of those reviews: 

There’s also this review from M. Aidelsburger that looks more at how these Hamiltonians (and geometric phase) are related to gauge theories. This is where I found the “effective Hamiltonian” approach: 

Lastly, theres the paper I used to verify the GPU-GPE code. While it isn’t directly focussing on SOC, I think it helped me learn how all the parameters change things, and connected the dots between BEC ground state structures and the artificial gauge fields influencing them:


  1. Diagram and intuitive understanding, transistion and orientation
  2. Hamiltonian and conclusions
  3. Eigenvalues diagram and why there are two parabolas
  4. Avoided crossing
  5. How much splitting is there?
  6. Strong and not strong coupling
  7. How detuning makes one spin more favorabe
  8. Meaning of dressed states.
  9. SOC is a charged particle moving in em field
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